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Evolution 🐒



The Evolutionary Whispers of Gossip

We often think of gossip as a bad habit, a guilty pleasure. But what if I told you it played a crucial role in our evolution, shaping the very fabric of human society?


How Did We Come to Grow a Spine?

Ever thought whom did we have to cite the most if we were to comprehend our body’s functionality? Unarguably, the spine will be the busiest of the lot. Like a city’s roundabout, the spinal cord is the fulcrum of control: letting intents turn into actions without hassle. 


How animals are evolving to thrive in cities

Urban wildlife is expanding and evolving faster than expected. Like other cities, London is home to exotic wildlife and is as biodiverse as some wildernesses. Mumbai has leopards, Boston turkeys, Chicago coyotes and Newcastle kittiwakes.


Are we mostly the result of genes or environment?

The combining of your parents’ genes was a little miracle that would oversee the creation and assemblage of proteins that would ultimately make you, you. 


Squatting: A Deep Dive into Poetic Posture

Squatting isn't just a modern fitness fad, it's a timeless tale of human biology echoing our ancestors' whispers when nature called.


10 Ancient Fertility Treatments You Wouldn't Want To Use Today

Fertility has been a concern for humans since ancient times, and many civilizations have developed various treatments to improve fertility. However, some of these treatments were bizarre and even dangerous.

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Why do we all wear pants? An answer from evolutionary theory

No other piece of clothing is as common as pants. From young to old, men to women, easterners to westerners, everyone wears pants. Pants are common even in places and seasons when better options are available. Using evolutionary theory, Peter Turchin explains why👇


The Selfish Gene: Richard Dawkins' science classic in 30 points

When the UK’s Royal Society conducted a poll on “the most inspiring science books of all time” in 2017, The Selfish Gene seized the top ranking, even ahead of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species.


The Unspoken Truth of Squatting and Bowel Health

The human body, a masterpiece of evolution, whispers ancient wisdom; squatting for bowel movements aligns with its design.


That’s it

Just a sequence of thoughts untold


Will artificial intelligence outsmart us?

There’s no good reason why computers can’t outperform human intelligence. If technology continues to follow Moore’s Law (computers double their speed and memory capacity every 18 months), artificial intelligence will likely overtake humans within 100 years.