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Top 10 Public Health Challenges in 2022

Public health experts and researchers collected data, and assembled this list of top global public health priorities in 2022: 10) Infodemic: Fake news and misinformation during outbreaks can be deadly, leading to dangerous medical mistreatment.


New Technology Can Detect Airborne COVID-19 in Milliseconds

Since 2020, the world has been scrambling to develop increasingly quick, accurate and inexpensive testing methods for COVID-19. In October of 2022, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) scientists announced they developed nanotechnology-packed, COVID-detecting bubbles.


The incredible timeline of Pfizer Partner BioNTech developing the first successful COVID-19 vaccine

Aug 2018 | Long before COVID-19 was discovered, Pfizer partnered with German company BioNTech to develop an influenza vaccine based on RNA. These instruct cells to create proteins which generate an immune response protecting against a virus.


What does it mean to be educated now?

In 1959, the scientist and novelist C.P. Snow delivered a lecture which generated heated debate. In ‘Two Cultures’, he argued that the lack of communication and understanding between people in the humanities and the sciences was a block to world progress.


9 Memorials: How the World is Commemorating COVID-19 Victims

The World Health Organization reports that to date there are over 6.8 million COVID-19 related deaths. Here are a few examples of how communities around the world have responded to the tragedies with large-scale memorials to commemorate those lost due to the virus.


The Dark Side Of Online College

Introduction: Studying at a prestigious college in India is an experience many dream of and few realise. I was one of the lucky ones. However, it was a short lived dream that hangs onto my memory faintly by a string of people and infrastructure. Why? Oh well, hi Covid-19. 


Bill Gates' Post-2020 Pandemic Forecast

In his June 2020 interview with Chris Anderson, head of TED Talks, Bill Gates offered his insights on best and worst case scenarios for the COVID-19 pandemic, along with his opinions on reopening and conspiracy theories.


Are pandemics good or bad for cities in the long term?

Richard Florida is one of America’s preeminent commentators on cities and urban change. His book The Rise of the Creative Class (2002) argued that cities rise or fall on their ability to attract creative knowledge workers.


BART's $300mil deficit could kill SF Bay Area commutes

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is a heavy rail train system that has served the San Francisco Bay Area since 1972. Its 48 stations and hundreds of thousands of daily riders has made BART a vital and ever-expanding connection between the Bay Area's cities and suburbs.

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Top 10 Most Watched Episodes of Jada Pinkett Smith's Red Table Talk

10. A Girls Trip Coronavirus Quarantine Reunion: (24.9m views 4/15/20) Jada is joined by her Girls Trip co-stars: Regina Hall , Tiffany Haddish and Queen Latifah for a laugh-filled reunion which won’t disappoint. In tough times you just need to laugh with your BFF’s!


Why are we so bad at preparing for disasters?

New Orleans was lucky. In September 2004, Hurricane Ivan threatened to overcome the city. The city’s mayor begged people to leave before it hit. The roads out were jammed and the airport was closed. But then Ivan changed direction, and the city was spared