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China 🇨🇳


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The Philosophy of Mozi: A Brief Guide to China's Champion of Universal Love

Mozi, a Chinese philosopher who lived around 470-391 BCE, wasn't just a thinker; he was a radical in a silk robe. In an era of Confucian conformity, he dared to advocate for universal love. Ready to learn about the original rebel with a cause?

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The most important Chinese document of the century?

Introduction. The Chinese Communist Party(CCP) met for its sixth plenary session, and released a revealing statement. Officially titled the 6th plenum communique, this statement shows how CCP understands itself, China's future, and much more. Top takeaways👇


What are China's real intentions?

Successive US administrations, from Nixon to Trump, have had a policy of constructive engagement with China.  

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Article: "The Weakness of Xi Jinping: How Hubris and Paranoia Threaten China’s Future"

Found this fascinating article in Foreign Affairs by a former professor at the prestigious school that educates top leaders in the Chinese Communist Party. Looks at Xi's power in the leadup to the National Congress this October:

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Afghanistan, China, and the lithium angle

The US left Afghanistan in August 2021, a backward but resource-rich country. There's one specific metal that is of key importance: lithium. Lithium is used is all cell phones, most communication devices, and has geopolitical weight. Here's the lithium angle in Afghanistan👇👇👇


China’s last generation?

The past two years have been both tumultuous and defining for China against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. But beyond the ever-growing wall between the most populous nation on earth and the West, there is another, more intimate battle playing out within.


Why are some countries so wealthy, and others so poor?

The world has never been a level playing field.