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Deconstruction and the Bible

Our old relationship with the Bible - Take a moment and think about a Bible verse you’ve carried with you at one point in your life. What about it captured your attention and made it worth remembering?


The Bible, the Hebrew Bible and the Koran: A brief introduction to sacred scripture

Sacred scriptures are texts believed to have been revealed by God, either through divine intermediaries such as angels or prophets, or directly.


What’s inside the best-selling book of all time?

The Bible is a unique book, the combined product of dozens of authors over centuries. It offers insight into the nature of God and humankind, and whether believed or not, its ideas and narrative are foundational to modern society.  @


The amazing Joseph: The Bible’s original rags to riches tale

Imagine being a slave at 17, in prison in your 20s, and the leader of an empire at 30. The Bible’s first book, Genesis, contains just such a story.