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Steve Jobs - The last Great Entrepreneur of the West

Apr 30, 2023 · 2 mins read



Steve Jobs.png

Steve Jobs was the last great Entrepreneur of the modern West. Nobody can rival his vision, his impact on the world, his force of character or his sheer will and charisma.

And no, Elon Musk is not even in the same galaxy.

Let's look at 8 reasons why this is the case 🧵



1. Jobs was a true perfectionist.

He famously insisted on beautifully designed circuit boards INSIDE early Macs, believing that which you do not see should be as visually appealing as that which you do. This attention to detail became a defining characteristic of Apple.



2. Jobs was Based AF.

He found a loophole that allowed him to drive a car with no license plate for 6 months, and did this on a recurring basis because he did not believe in paying the state for the right to drive his own car!



3. Jobs had the right philosophy.

His favorite books were Atlas Shrugged & The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand!! These novels shaped his philosophy of life, and he came to truly embody the virtues of her protagonists.



4. Jobs built real products.

Products we all use daily and that enhance our minds & creative faculties. Jobs not only brought us the PC, the Smartphone and the tablet, but he gave us a suite of integrated tools with which to bend our very own corner of the universe



5. Jobs changed everything he touched

When everyone thought "retail is dead", Jobs created the Apple Store. He ripped out the floppy disk & removed plugs and cables when nobody else dared to. He transformed film with Pixar, how we work with PCs & how we talk with Smartphones



6. Jobs was human centric

He believed technology made us better. To him, the PC was famously a "bicycle for the mind." When he met Zuckerberg he advised him to value privacy and always put the user first. Of course, Zuckerberg instead made YOU the product. The rest is history.



7. Jobs NEVER took a bail out

Unlike Elon Musk, Jobs built real products that required no subsidies, and that people happily paid a premium for. He was above and beyond government and regulatory moats and passed on before the entire tech sector became an appendage of the state.



8. Jobs didn't like Bill Gates long before the rest of us

He viewed Gates like the "businessman" kind of Villains in Atlas Shrugged. A man with no Vision or creative capacity, who wanted to win not bc they were better, but bc they could form a partnership with the state.



We are all still living under the effect of his vision today. This is what a real entrepreneur does. He bends the Universe to his will.

Jobs was a true Randian hero and protagonist. Nobody comes close.

The world lost a true hero with his passing.

RIP Steve Jobs.




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