Eight ikigai rules for a meaningful life
Mar 12, 2022 · 2 mins read

The Japanese term ‘ikigai’ (生き甲斐) means ‘reason for being’. People who give up things they love doing, who lose their sense of beauty and gratitude, lose their purpose in life. Here are eight ikigai rules for greater meaning and enjoyment 👇👇
1.Take it slow:
Being in a hurry is inversely proportional to the quality of life. As the old saying goes, "Walk slowly and you'll go far." When we leave urgency behind, life and time take on new meaning. Otherwise, we miss out on enjoying the small but happy moments in our life
2. Don't fill your stomach:
Less is more when it comes to eating for long life. To stay healthier longer, we should eat a little less than our hunger demands instead of stuffing ourselves. Eat food to get energy, and do not give in to temptations or do stress-eating.
3. Surround yourself with good friends:
Friends are the best medicine. They are there for confiding worries over a good chat, sharing stories that brighten your day, getting advice, and having fun. They are the people we can trust who will be there in our good and bad times.
4. Smile:
A cheerful attitude is not only relaxing, it also helps make friends. It's good to recognize the things that aren't so great and upset us, but we should never forget what a privilege it is to be in the here and now in a world full of possibilities.
5. Reconnect with nature:
Most people live in cities today, but h human beings are part of the natural world. We should return to it often to recharge our batteries. Observe the trees, birds, and the changing colors of the sky. You will feel alive when disconnected from work.
6. Give thanks:
To your ancestor, to nature, which provides you with the air you breathe and the food you eat, to your friends and family, to everything that brightens your day and makes you feel lucky to be alive. Spend a moment every day giving thanks and you will be happier.
7. Live in the moment:
Stop regretting the past and fearing the future. Today is all you have. Make the most of it. Each day is unique and offers you different experiences. Be present in the day to make the most out of it, be it small or big.
8. Follow your ikigai:
There is a passion inside you, a unique talent that gives meaning to your days. Your ikigai or reason for being drives you to share the best of yourself. If you don't know what your ikigai is yet, then your mission is to discover it.
What is your purpose in life? What makes you happy? Comment below to tell me about your Ikigai.