The Ultimate Guide to Choosing The Right Nonfiction Books to Read
Jul 29, 2023 · 6 mins read
Tips 1-3
Every year, 500,000 books are published, according to Tonerbuzz. However, if self-published authors are counted, the number of new book titles released annually approaches 4 million. And how can we ignore all of those books that have been published in all these years?
It becomes a challenge for readers to pick the right books from a sea of books. A lot of us pick and read books via a faulty process and end up reading books that everyone else is reading, or have no connection to what interests us.
Have you read a book that’s supposedly amazing and you don’t get it? It’s because not every book is for everyone. A book might be a bestseller but it might not have what you’re looking for at this point in your life. So here are 6 tips that will help you the right books.
1. Read Relevant Books Only.
There is a book on almost any subject you can think of, People have been writing for over 2000 years so if you are struggling in any area of your life that you need to address you will find a book that offers solutions to your problem.

Life is too short to read irrelevant books. Spending time reading about topics you have no interest in is a waste of time. You can remember a lot of information and apply it to your life right away when you read books that are relevant to your current life situation.
2. Read books by your favorite author(s).
Lessons in books covering the same topic are frequently quite similar; there is little change. However, the author's style of storytelling is unique. Each book differs due to its particular writing style, which you can identify with.
My favorite writers are Adam Grant, Ryan Holiday, Robert Greene, and Yuval Noah Harari. They write about subjects that intrigue me and do it in a way that makes their books a safe haven for me. Their books serve my objective of reading, which is to learn, understand, and apply.

3. Follow your genuine curiosity
Your genuine curiosity with take you to the right books. Ask yourself, What is something that I want to learn? It could be meditation, copywriting, entrepreneurship, persuasion, sales, or anything you like. A skill you want to develop.

Search for books related to that topic and start reading. Reading is considered one of the best ways to learn. So the right books can help you learn skills that will pay you off in the long run. You'll be more eager to learn about subjects you're curious about.
4. Read reviews to safeguard your buying decision.
When you shortlisted a book to read and are ready to invest your time and money into it. Before purchasing the book, read the reviews on Goodreads and Amazon, as well as the first few pages/chapters, which are freely available.
