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BookInsights 📔


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The Dark Reality Behind The Self-Help Industry.

The self-help industry has become a booming enterprise. The shelves of bookstores and the virtual spaces of the internet are filled with guides, gurus, and life coaches offering the keys to a better life. It’s a powerful force drawing us toward the pursuit of success & happiness.

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Why We’re Ditching Books in the Digital Era?

In an era dominated by scrolling, swiping, and instant gratification, the timeless companionship of books seems to be fading away faster than you can say “bestseller.” Here are reasons why the current generation is bidding farewell to books with an almost perplexing enthusiasm.

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Footprints Without Feet: The Essential Summary Guide to HG Wells' Mystery

The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells is a fascinating short story that combines elements of science fiction and moral inquiry. It revolves around Griffin, a scientist who discovers invisibility but fails to foresee its profound implications...


8 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts That Will Change How You See Human Behavior Forever.

The human mind and behavior are still a mystery. I still wonder how some behaviors are so obvious and systematic and even if we know that we are going to be tempted or follow a certain pattern, or make a mistake, most of us still end up doing it.


7 Habits To Help You Remember What You Read by Jim Kwik

We now live in a highly competitive information age. Each of us has access to more information than we could possibly imagine. Yet we are still using the same methods to absorb and process it all. Today, our requirements for learning are much different.


4 Magic Hooks That Will Give You An Unfair Advantage In Almost 99% Of Conversations.

The key to effective communication is to know exactly what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. A subtle change of words can make a huge difference in the outcome of a whole conversation. These are called magic words, that talk straight to our subconscious mind.


We are not Homo Sapiens...we are Homo Ludens

Humans call themselves Homo Sapiens, but Dutch historian Huizinga says Homo Ludens is a far better name. Ludens is ancient Latin, and it's connected with "Ludo," which translates "to play." At the core of our art, law, language, and civilization lies the instinct to play. Dig in:


What To Know Before Publishing Your First Book

In November of 2021 I officially launched my first book “Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence” — as I’m working on writing a second edition version which is coming out next November, now would be a good time to share what I learned and wish I knew when I started.


The Science Behind Scarcity and Its Influence on Decision-Making

Opportunities seem more valuable to us when their availability is limited. Something that on its own merits, held little appeal suddenly becomes attractive merely because it would soon be unavailable. The “limited-number” tactic is commonly used by various industries.

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'Tuesdays with Morrie' Summary: 7 Key Insights & Lessons Worth Remembering

Tuesdays with Morrie is a 1997 memoir where Mitch Albom, a successful sportswriter, revisits his former professor Morrie Schwartz, now battling ALS, and learns life lessons that challenge everything he thought he knew.

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Unpacking 'The Master and Margarita' by Mikhail Bulgakov: A Surrealist Masterpiece

"The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov is a surreal ride through Moscow with the Devil as your guide. It's a rebellion against reality itself. Let me explain how...

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'A Question of Trust' by Victor Canning: Story summary and lesson explanation

Victor Canning's 'A Question of Trust' is a riveting tale of deceit, criminal cunning, and unexpected morality, showcasing the complexities of trust in human relationships.


The Writing Process of a Writer Who Sold More than 400 Million Copies and Dominated An Entire Genre.

Stephen King is recognized as the "King of Horror" and writes horror, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy. His books have sold over 400 million copies, and many have been adapted into feature films, television movies, and comic books. A deep dive into his writing process.


Second-Order Thinking: A Framework Used By The Top 1% To Make Decisions

A mental model is a simple way to understand our complex world and a practical tool to guide our thinking. They are a useful way to change perspective, simplify complexity, and solve problems. We use models to simplify the complex into understandable and organizable chunks.


5 Timeless Writing Secrets From Best Book On Nonfiction Writing by William Zinsser

On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser was first published in 1976. He was a writer and professor of creative nonfiction. It has sold almost 1.5 million copies. It breaks down the principles of good writing & common problems writers encounter.

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You'll never look at news the same way again

10 thoughts from Propaganda (1965) by Jacque Ellul Breaking news is brainwashing you: "To the extent that propaganda is based on current news, it cannot permit time for thought or reflection." When everything is urgent, you are forced to "remain on the surface of the event."


4 Books You Must Read For Better Communication ...

Effective communication can help individuals, teams, and organizations achieve better results. Brian Tracy, a successful author, speaker, and CEO, says, “Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your success in your business and in your life.”


5 Mental Shifts That Will Enhance Your Decision-Making Skills.

Ever wondered why the most successful folks seem to always be at the right place at the right time? Well, it’s not just luck — it’s all about being in the right position. And the good news is, you don’t need to be a genius to outperform others; you just need to out-position them.

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Why I Am Writing A Fiction Book

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a novelist. I am not known for writing fictional books or coming up with distant fantasy lands. This is not my brand nor what I ever want someone to refer to me as. I am, after all, a businessman, an author yes, an investor, and a leader.


10 Books That Will Shatter Your Worldview (But You’ll be Glad You Read Them)

1. Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari: It explores the future of humanity, delving into the author's insightful analysis of technological advancements, artificial intelligence, and the potential evolution of Homo sapiens. It offers an offering a compelling vision of tomorrow's world.


4 Books That Will Help You Take High-Quality Decisions In All Aspects Of Life.

There are exactly two things that determine how our lives turn out: the quality of our decisions & luck. The realm of luck doesn't fall under the things we can control. But we do have control over our decision-making process & thus a significant amount of control over our lives.


4 Nonfiction Books To Master Your Focus and Take Control Of Social Media Addiction.

Social media has taken over our lives, everyone around us is glued to their screens. It has significantly decreased our attention spans and ability to focus on a single task for more than a few minutes. There is always some kind of notification popping up from our smartphones.


10 insights from greatest book G.K. Chesterton ever wrote (Orthodoxy | 1908)

Chesterton writes in Orthodoxy that humans have a "double spiritual need." On this Earth, they want to experience the "fascination of a strange town," while also feeling at home. They crave both surprise and safety.

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Lessons on Creativity and Productivity From the Man Who Wrote 400 Porn Novels

After noticing the poor quality of writing in a book he ordered in the 1960s, Andrew Offutt hurled it across the room and announced to his wife that he could do better. Thus began his switch from insurance salesperson to pornographer.


45 underrated books that explain the modern world

I asked twitter: What are some underrated books that best explain the modern world? 250 people replied. Here are 49 of the most interesting recommendations: