5 Powerful Lessons I Got from “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”
Nov 01, 2022 · 4 mins read
[Part 1]
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is one book whose lessons stayed with me for a long time, The blunt writing style worked for me. I have read it around 3 times & I have always emerged with a different perspective on finding happiness & coping with my problems.
Ironically the subtle art of “NOT” giving a F*CK is a book that actually talks about giving a F*CK. But to the right values in life, to the right people, & all the other things that really matter.
It also talks about happiness in a very unorthodox way, it teaches you to be humble and embrace failures and pain and persuades us in choosing our struggles.
Here are 5 Powerful Lessons that I’ve learned from “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”
#1 - Happiness Comes From Solving Problems:
The biggest misconception about happiness is something outside of us will make us happy, a better job, a fancy car, having a lot of money, or all of these combined. It is one of the greatest delusions that we live in 24/7.
We crave a problem-free life of contentment and ease. But the reality is we can never escape problems, they are a constant in life.
Problems never stop they merely get upgraded or exchanged. Happiness comes from solving problems not avoiding them.
To be happy you need something to solve. Happiness is therefore a form of action; it is activity & not something that is bestowed to you by someone sitting on the clouds.
You have to actively & consistently work for it. Happiness is a constant work in progress.
#2 - We’re Wrong About Everything:
Growth is an endlessly iterative process. When we learn something new we don’t go from wrong to right, rather we go from wrong to slightly less wrong, & when we learn something new we go from slightly less wrong to slightly less wrong than that.
So we are always wrong but as we consume better information, meet new people, hear different perspectives, and have rich life experiences we are constantly forming new beliefs and approaching truth & perfection without actually ever reaching truth or perfection.
When you say “I don’t know” it opens up a way to learn something new, being wrong opens up a possibility of change and the opportunity for growth. Don’t be afraid of being wrong, in fact, extract joy from it because you are about to learn something new.
#3 - Pain Is The Way Forward:
Our human brain is wired to avoid pain at all costs. It chooses a path of least resistance. But pain is an integral part of growth, Discovering yourself is a painful process. To deny the pain is to deny our own potential.