Classical music IS amazing
Aug 01, 2023 · 2 mins read

Classical music is much too often perceived as boring, useless, and unpopular. This couldn't be further from the truth. In this memo, I will list the benefits of classical music, as well as neat facts, which will hopefully deepen your newfound interest in this genre of music.
Classical music relieves stress. Whether you feel like you benefit from Vivaldi's joyous four seasons, "Spring" or, you would instead, prefer a relaxing piano piece such as Moonlight sonata, studies have shown that classical music relieves unnoticed muscle tension and stress.
Classical music sparks creativity. If you are a modern-day pop composer, consider taking to some classical music for inspiration! The greats such as; Strauss, Beethoven, Mozart, Shostakovich, and Liszt were musical geniuses of their time, so take advantage and get inspired!
Classical music boosts memory. Listening to and studying classical music works can dramatically enhance your memory. If you want the full benefits, consider learning an instrument! Piano, violin, cello, or even classical guitar. The options are limitless to explore!
Classical music improves sleep quality. Do you struggle with insomnia? Have you tried every remedy? Has nothing worked? Try listening to a peaceful movement of Rhespigi or anything classical that helps you relax thirty minutes before bed. This may be the secret to a quiet night.
Classical music betters your mood. Similarly to the stress relieving aspects of classical music, it can also brighten a dull mood. On a gloomy day try putting on an energetic and uplifting piece by Tchaikovsky or Brahms. You'll be out from under those covers in no time!
Classical music refines your attention span. The integrity of classical music works is most often so intriguing, that you will never want it to end. The complex rythmic patterns will also engage your brain, bringing me back to all the benefits listed above.
Now that you are aware of the incredible benefits classical music has, let's dive into some more fun and interesting facts you will be sharing with your music-lover friends in no time.
The largest orchestra in the world has over 12,000 members.
Mozart began composing at the very young age of 5. That's INCREDIBLE!
Classical music can be your personal and free therapist!
Dvorak implemented his love and interest of trains into so much of his work!
So, after this quick read, have I changed the way you look at classical music? I hope so as classical music needs much more recognition than it is getting! It truly has many more benefits to our everyday life and as little as 5 minutes a day can make a huge impact on our lives.