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Enjoy Food & Still Lose Weight: The Best Tips from Adam Bornstein's "You Can't Screw This Up"

"You Can't Screw This Up" by Adam Bornstein is a refreshing take on dieting that ditches the guilt and embraces the joy of eating, proving that weight loss doesn't have to be a miserable journey.


How Stress Derails Weight Loss

The science is clear - stress is a huge detriment to maintaining a healthy body weight. Here's the science behind why. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen studied decades of data, along with hundreds of participants to determine the link between stress and weight.


Why BMI is a flawed measure of your fitness

What is BMI? Body mass index (BMI) is a 200-year-old formula developed to measure the degree of obesity in the general population. But it isn’t the best way to measure your health.