War 💣

The Mad Commander of the Last Battle of the British Empire
He was the youngest soldier in the Home Guard during WW2. He then fought in Korea, Palestine & Cyprus. He became the commanding officer during the Last Battle of the British Empire, in Aden in 1967, disobeying orders and recapturing the city. This is the story of Mad Mitch.

The Great Gatsby: Ignored, Forgotten, and then Saved by the War
$5 . That's all Scott Fitzgerald received in royalties for The Great Gatsby in 1929 . By 1939, he was buying all copies himself to keep it alive... But by 1949? 200,000 copies in print . WHAT happened? Let me show you how World War-II made this obscure book an all-time classic:

How A British Intellectual's Big Mistake Helps Us See The Future
In 1909, English intellectual Normal Angell published a pamphlet that sought to dispel the “relic” idea that rich countries had to go to war and expand their territories.

Sudan: Historic Timeline of the War-torn Nation
Sudan is a country of pyramids, deserts, and the Nile River. It has fascinated historians for centuries. However, it has also been fraught with war, slavery and hardship. Here is a timeline of Sudanese history from its inception to its current status on the brink of civil war:

How Napoleon dealt with older generals, soldiers sleeping on duty, and more
After an arduous battle, Napoleon "disguised himself in the dress of an inferior officer" and walked his camp. The camp's sentinel was asleep on the butt end of his gun. Napoleon gently put his head on the ground and "kept watch for him." The sentinel got off with a small rebuke.

Does Beauty Matter When Bombs Start Falling
C.S. Lewis, creator of Narnia, almost died in the trench warfare of WW1, was best friends with Tolkien, and sold 100 million+ books. At the start of WW2, he posed a question to Oxford students in a profound lecture: Does beauty matter when bombs start falling? Let's find out👇