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War 💣


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The Russian Revolution: How it Happened and Why it Matters (Quick Summary)

The Russian Revolution wasn't just about overthrowing the Tsar; it was a seismic shift that toppled a monarchy, birthed the Soviet Union, and ignited a global ideological battle.

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Guernica Explained: Picasso's Haunting Scream Against War's Brutality

Picasso's "Guernica" is the art equivalent of a scream: echoing the horrors of the Spanish Civil War and transcending time as a universal symbol of war's atrocities.


A Witness to History: Marcel Junod on the First Atomic Bombs

"Warrior Without Weapons" by Dr. Marcel Junod (1904-1961) chronicles his experiences as a Red Cross delegate during World War II, offering profound insights into human suffering and resilience.


Why World War Can Easily Happen Again

Early 1914: Europe has not seen a major conflict in 140 years. The world economy is never more integrated. Then WW1, with 16 million dead. A British intellectual's theory on "prosperity = peace" lies in tatters.


The Mad Commander of the Last Battle of the British Empire

He was the youngest soldier in the Home Guard during WW2. He then fought in Korea, Palestine & Cyprus. He became the commanding officer during the Last Battle of the British Empire, in Aden in 1967, disobeying orders and recapturing the city. This is the story of Mad Mitch.

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Sun Tzu on Business Success

In military strategy, Sun Tzu warns in The Art of War, “to besiege [the enemy’s] citadel is the worst expedient.”

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Shock, Awe, and Preparation – Sun Tzu's Art of “Taking Whole”

Sun Tzu knew the great costs and evils of war, particularly prolonged wars. So he reserves his greatest praise for the general who is able to avert battle in the first place, who can “subdue the enemy without fighting”.


Sun Tzu's Art of War - Ancient, Proven Teachings For Winning

Why would a person of today, a civilian, want to read a manual for waging war that is over two thousand years old?

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The man who was known as a Walking Book Of Knowledge

Introduction. Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn was an Austrian philosopher known as "A Walking Book of Knowledge" since he could read 17 languages and speak 8 of them. Discover his thought-provoking ideas on Marxism, democracies, religion and more! 👇

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How the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan Changed History (Summary)

The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan: twin pillars that held up the Western world during the Cold War, shaping modern geopolitics more than any superhero could.


Vasili Arkhipov: The Man Who Saved the World by Saying 'No'

Vasili Arkhipov, a Soviet naval officer, played a crucial yet widely unknown role during the Cuban Missile Crisis, literally averting a nuclear war with a single decision.


Codebreaking Enigma: Unveiling the Secrets that Changed World War II

In World War II, Bletchley Park's codebreakers decoded the Enigma, altering the course of history. Operating in secrecy, these brilliant minds cracked encrypted messages, providing invaluable intelligence.


The Great Gatsby: Ignored, Forgotten, and then Saved by the War

$5 . That's all Scott Fitzgerald received in royalties for The Great Gatsby in 1929 . By 1939, he was buying all copies himself to keep it alive... But by 1949? 200,000 copies in print . WHAT happened? Let me show you how World War-II made this obscure book an all-time classic:

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How A British Intellectual's Big Mistake Helps Us See The Future

In 1909, English intellectual Normal Angell published a pamphlet that sought to dispel the “relic” idea that rich countries had to go to war and expand their territories.


Sun Tzu on Managing People

There's a rather gruesome story of Sun Tzu’s service to Ho Lu, the King of Wu, which preface some versions of Sun Tzu's Art of War.

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Sun Tzu's Five Factors of Leadership

In the ancient Art of War, Sun Tzu identifies five factors which inform a leader’s decisions: The Way; Heaven; Earth; Leader; and Law.


Sudan: Historic Timeline of the War-torn Nation

Sudan is a country of pyramids, deserts, and the Nile River. It has fascinated historians for centuries. However, it has also been fraught with war, slavery and hardship. Here is a timeline of Sudanese history from its inception to its current status on the brink of civil war:

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How the Battle of Midway changed the course of World War II

The Battle of Midway, a pivotal WWII clash, turned the tide in the Pacific – a David vs. Goliath story where strategy trumped might.

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What the French Revolution Achieved: Behind the Cry for Liberty, a Bloody Path to Democracy

The French Revolution wasn't just a fight for liberty; it was a tumultuous journey redefining power and justice. It’s a story where ideals meet the guillotine's edge.


Why The West Won't Inherit The Earth

Thirty years since its publication, can we say that Samuel P. Huntington’s book The Clash of Civilizations foretold the future - or was it in hindsight a sophisticated, fearmongering rant? Let’s look at his arguments in more detail.


How Napoleon dealt with older generals, soldiers sleeping on duty, and more

After an arduous battle, Napoleon "disguised himself in the dress of an inferior officer" and walked his camp. The camp's sentinel was asleep on the butt end of his gun. Napoleon gently put his head on the ground and "kept watch for him." The sentinel got off with a small rebuke.


Art of War: Why You Need This 2,500 Year Old Book

Why would a person of today, a civilian, want to read a manual for waging war that is over two thousand years old?


Sun Tzu on Timing and Emotional Detachment

Number one of Sun Tzu’s ‘‘five occasions when victory can be foretold’’ is: When the general knows the time to fight and when not to fight

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Sun Tzu's Art of War – 2,000 Years Older Than Machiavelli... and Better?

Long before Rome began its spread into northern Europe, Chinese rulers had already built the Great Wall of China.


Does Beauty Matter When Bombs Start Falling

C.S. Lewis, creator of Narnia, almost died in the trench warfare of WW1, was best friends with Tolkien, and sold 100 million+ books. At the start of WW2, he posed a question to Oxford students in a profound lecture: Does beauty matter when bombs start falling? Let's find out👇