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How to create a resumé that will land you a job interview

If your resumé doesn’t work, you won’t either. It’s simply not enough to compile a list of everything you’ve done in your career. The days of a one-size-fits-all approach are over.


What a serial entrepreneur can teach you about career success

Almost everything in Noah Kagan’s career hasn’t worked out… and yet he’s still more successful than most people. Why? Because you only ever need one breakthrough.

Why "transferable skills" are guaranteed to attract job offers

There’s a reason terms like “communication”, “multitasking” and “problem-solving” appear in almost every job listing. No matter what the role is, there are certain skills and values that you simply must have. The people who understand this best are the ones that find success.

How to answer the most common interview questions

“Tell me about yourself.” Prepare a job-focused response showing that your abilities fit the role. Study similar job postings, identify the most common responsibilities, and treat it as a checklist for your condensed career history. This answer will set the tone of the interview.

Why do people stay in jobs that make them unhappy?

Something that surprised me when I became a career consultant is that job dissatisfaction doesn’t necessarily lead to turnover. People will often stay in jobs that make them miserable.

My creative journey from astrophysics to art

Most people don’t understand the idea of trading the certain for the uncertain. In my case, I quit a promising career in science for an uncertain one in the arts. Why? Because a “safe” life is an illusion. A safe life may slowly strangle you if you haven’

What Color Is Your Parachute? The best job-search strategy explained

Too many people treat their job search like buying a lottery ticket: blindly sending your CV or resume to any open position in the hope of getting lucky.

Why taking career risks won’t hurt your reputation

When weighing up a big career change, perceived risk to our reputation often stops us from making smart but unconventional choices. For some, it can be a more powerful deterrent than financial considerations.

Why does it feel so daunting to change careers?

One of the things you’ll see over and over again as a career consultant is that people want to find purpose or meaning in what they do – they just don’t know how to go about it.

The best way to deal with a job layoff...

If you’ve been laid off, it’s only natural to ask yourself certain questions: “Is this because of the market? Bad leadership? Bad luck? An occupational hazard? Or was I just not good enough?”

How do I secure a job offer?

Receiving a formal job offer is the moment you gain an upper hand in the hiring process. It’s worth remembering two things at this point: 1) You don’t have to accept the first offer. 2) Employers are more likely to respect someone who knows their value.

How to know if you're in the right job...

The question of whether we’re doing what we really should be doing is one of the hardest issues we’ll ever face.