
A Twitter thread by JACK BLY on Sleep
21 sentences that’ll help you sleep better than 97% of people tonight:

How meditation saved me from sleeplessness
I’m a lifelong insomniac: the kind who just doesn’t know what it’s like to have a normal night of rest. The longest I’ve ever slept for, uninterrupted, is five hours – and that was under medication.

Eyes Wide Open: The Boy Who Stayed Awake For 11 Days
When 17-year-olds Randy Gardner & Bruce McAllister set out to compete in the 1963 San Diego science fair, little did they know they would end up breaking a world record for sleeplessness. Randy certainly didn’t expect to suffer debilitating consequences for decades after.

Is Melatonin Safe and Effective for Helping with Sleep?
A thread in an online group asked what is something every U.S. household has. But nowhere amid Ranch Dressing, junk drawers, and big televisions was a bottle of melatonin mentioned; though the supplement, requiring a prescription elsewhere, is unregulated and widely used.

A Twitter thread by DR22 Ω 🦾
You have been FOOLED into thinking you need 8 hours of sleep every night. WRONG. Here’s how to sleep less and do more. THREAD.