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Unlock Peak Performance: The Rest Revolution

Think "rest" is just sleep? Think again! Optimal performance hinges on strategic breaks, micro-rests, and even mindful zoning out – crucial for cognitive function and preventing burnout. It's not about laziness; it's about smart energy management.


A Twitter thread by JACK BLY on Sleep

21 sentences that’ll help you sleep better than 97% of people tonight:


How meditation saved me from sleeplessness

I’m a lifelong insomniac: the kind who just doesn’t know what it’s like to have a normal night of rest. The longest I’ve ever slept for, uninterrupted, is five hours – and that was under medication.


Eyes Wide Open: The Boy Who Stayed Awake For 11 Days

When 17-year-olds Randy Gardner & Bruce McAllister set out to compete in the 1963 San Diego science fair, little did they know they would end up breaking a world record for sleeplessness. Randy certainly didn’t expect to suffer debilitating consequences for decades after.


Is Sleep Inertia Ruining Your Morning?

Do you find your mood most mornings is low? Are you often angry or irritable immediately upon waking? If the whole process of leaving sleep behind and getting out of bed leaves you unexplainably dazed and fatigued, you might be suffering from sleep inertia.


What most people don't know about sleep...

We sleep better at home than anywhere else due to threat detection. In a foreign environment (like a hotel room), half of your brain will resist going into a deeper sleep so that it can remain more alert and spot any potential dangers. @

Your cognitive function depends on it! - 2022-10-16T181352.641.jpg

Is Melatonin Safe and Effective for Helping with Sleep?

A thread in an online group asked what is something every U.S. household has. But nowhere amid Ranch Dressing, junk drawers, and big televisions was a bottle of melatonin mentioned; though the supplement, requiring a prescription elsewhere, is unregulated and widely used.


A Twitter thread by DR22 Ω 🦾

You have been FOOLED into thinking you need 8 hours of sleep every night. WRONG. Here’s how to sleep less and do more. THREAD. https://t.co/aGA1qGInLO