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The Political Importance of Gladiators in Ancient Rome

Before beginning, it is worth noting that this is a brief writing of ancient Rome, generalizing the history which spans from ~750 BC to ~500 AD. It is also worth noting that Rome was heavily divided between the: A) lower class (Plebians), and: B) upper class (Patricians).


Robert Greene's 8 power laws for influencers

Over the centuries, the nature of power has changed. It’s no longer wielded by the physically strong or a tyrannical dictator intimidating a populace into obeying his will. In today’s world, says Robert Greene in 48 Laws of Power, to be powerful, or even


Throughout history, what power dynamics have proven to be successful?

New York Times bestselling author Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power has sold over a million copies in the United States. The book looks at powerful people throughout history and shows the “laws” that have proven to be true when it comes to attaining and maintaining power over