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Politics 👁️‍🗨️


Milei's Global Influence: Beyond Argentina's Borders

Milei's rise to prominence has resonated far beyond Argentina, captivating international audiences with his bold economic and social policies.

Baker v Carr: How a Little-Known Case Revolutionized Political Representation

Rewind to 1962. A little-known court case called Baker v. Carr was causing ripples. It might not have grabbed your breakfast table conversation, but it dramatically remodeled U.S. political landscape.


Watergate in 10 Points: A brief guide to the scandal that shook the world

The Watergate scandal is a labyrinth of political espionage that led to the downfall of a president. It's a tale of power, paranoia, and a break-in that broke the trust of a nation.


Checkmate or Gambit: The Political Saga Post-Impeachment

Imagine Congress wielding the 'impeachment' hammer; politicians sweating, watchers munching popcorn. Yet, the curtain fall is just the overture for the ousted.

MLK's Letter from Birmingham Jail: Concise Summary and Analysis

"Letter from a Birmingham Jail" is Martin Luther Kings Jr's profound response to clergymen criticizing his fight against segregation. Written in 1963, it's a cornerstone of civil rights literature, arguing for justice over order.

The Significance of Nelson Mandela's Inauguration: A Symbol of Unity and Hope

Nelson Mandela's inauguration on May 10, 1994, marked a historic moment, not just for South Africa, but for the world, symbolizing the triumph of democracy and equality over apartheid.

Ukraine: 10 Insights in 10 Minutes

Ukraine's fierce resistance against Russia has galvanized global support and inspired freedom fighters worldwide.

How Nationalism Saves China - Sun-yat Sen

Sun-yat Sen’s portrait is hoisted in Tiananmen Square each May Day and National Day, and two universities are named after him. In Taiwan, Sun’s portrait is on the walls of schools and on its banknotes.

Decoding the Compromise of 1850: A balancing act amid rising tensions

The Compromise of 1850 was a landmark legislative package aimed at resolving disputes between free and slave states in the United States during a period of heightened tensions over the expansion of slavery.

Miranda v. Arizona: The Landmark Case That Gave Us the Right to Remain Silent (Summary)

Miranda v. Arizona, the 1966 Supreme Court case that gave us the now-famous "Miranda rights," was a game-changer in the world of criminal justice and civil liberties.


District of Columbia v. Heller: The Paradox of Gun Control

The world is a tricky stage, and Heller's Paradox is a stellar example. The more guns we hold to feel safe, the more unsafe we potentially become.

Towards a New Humanism: Frantz Fanon's Vision for a Decolonized World

Frantz Fanon, a philosopher and revolutionary, had a radical idea - that our world could be decolonized, not just politically, but in our minds too. Let's unpack why this still resonates today...

The Revolutionary Ideas of Simon Bolivar: Architect of South American Independence

Imagine a world where the very fabric of society is woven with threads of diverse races and ethnicities, unified under a single banner of freedom. This was the vision of Simón Bolívar, the architect of South American independence.

Vasili Arkhipov: The Man Who Saved the World by Saying 'No'

Vasili Arkhipov, a Soviet naval officer, played a crucial yet widely unknown role during the Cuban Missile Crisis, literally averting a nuclear war with a single decision.

7 Massive Lies Society Has Brainwashed You To Believe

Society lies to you. It tells you there’s a tried and tested path to follow and that, if you do so, life will probably work out ok. However, in all likelihood, it won't and that's why you need to be aware of the following 7 lies. 👇

China’s Greatest Revolutionary: Sun-Yat Sen in 10 Points

Born into a peasant family 1866 in a village in Guangdong province, at 13 Sun joined his older brother in Honolulu. He quickly picked up English and went to high school there.

Sun-Yat Sen, Forgotten Father of Modern China

Before Mao Tse-tung, before Deng Xiaoping, there was Sun-Yat sen.

The War of 1812 in Summary: A Forgotten Conflict with Unforgettable Consequences

You've heard of America's Revolutionary War, Civil War, even Vietnam but let's navigate into the less-ventured waters: The War of 1812, a forgotten conflict with unforgettable consequences.


The Voting Rights Act of 1965: A Seismic Shift in American Democracy (Summary)

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a milestone in Civil Rights. Signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson, this act aimed to enforce the 15th Amendment, outlawing discriminatory voting practices and ensuring the right to vote for all citizens, regardless of race or color.

Hungary's Media Metamorphosis: How Orbán Reshaped the Narrative

Meet Viktor Orbán. The man at the helm of Hungary's media metamorphosis. A political maestro who've rewritten the narrative of Hungarian journalism. Let's delve into this fascinating tale.

The Zapatista Movement: A Modern Day Rebellion Against Globalization

1. The Zapatista Movement isn't just a rebellion; it's a profound statement against globalization, emerging from the heart of Chiapas, Mexico, on Jan 1, 1994, the same day NAFTA took effect.


The Ethical Rebellion of Peter Kropotkin: From Prince to Anarchist

Peter Kropotkin: born a prince, died a revolutionary. His life was a journey from the lap of luxury to the forefront of anarchism, driven by a relentless pursuit of justice.

Uncharted Horizons: Unveiling the Secrets of History's Unsung Heroes

Delve into the forgotten chronicles of history to discover the untold stories of individuals who shaped the world.

Sun-Yat Sen’s Warning To Leaders of Modern China

In Sun-yat Sen’s classic book, Three Principles of the People (1925), he addresses the view that China was not suited to being a republic, like the United States.

The Monroe Doctrine & its significance explained in 1 minute

The Monroe Doctrine, declared by President James Monroe in 1823, aimed to prevent European colonization in the Americas.