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Economic Policies to Undermine Criminal Enterprises: A Surprising Guide

Economic policies can be a powerful tool against criminal enterprises. By targeting the financial underpinnings of illegal activities, governments can disrupt operations and reduce crime rates. This approach is not only effective but also less confrontational than traditional law enforcement methods.

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Why Peter Thiel doesn't like politics

Who's the world's most intriguing billionaire? My answer: Peter Thiel. In a 2009 essay The Education Of A Libertarian, Thiel wrote about politics, technology, and the clash between them. Key insights👇👇👇

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Eamonn Butler on The Wealth of Nations

Eamonn Butler founded The Adam Smith Institute in London - a neoliberal thinktank and lobbying group who advocate for free market policies through publications, promoting Tax Freedom Day and hosting events. Butler shared about The Wealth of Nations on the