
Quantum Mysteries: Can We Ever Truly Understand Reality?
Quantum mechanics, the science of the very small, challenges our understanding of reality. Imagine particles existing in multiple states at once, a concept that defies our everyday experiences. This duality is not just theoretical; it’s been experimentally verified, leaving us in awe.

Rediscovering Walter M. Elsasser: A Pioneer in Atomic Physics, Morphology & More
Step into the world of Walter M. Elsasser, a maverick mind who journeyed from atomic physics to geophysics and then to theoretical biology, leaving an indelible mark on each discipline. His unorthodox path is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary thinking...

Russia and the US wage a new space battle – this time to capture astro-tourists
The accidental firing of small navigation rockets on Russia’s new spacecraft-science lab - just after it docked with the International Space Station in July 2021 - caused the ISS to start spinning like a top, all while circling the Earth at 28,000 kilomet

Inside the mind of theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek
Frank Wilczek is a self-described “intellectual adventurer” who’s better known as a Nobel Prize-winning physicist at MIT. That may sound serious, but his personal motto is “Think, Play, Repeat” – because if you stay playful and curious, nothing feels like

What is the big bang theory? And what does it tell us?
About 14 billion years ago, all the matter that exists in the universe today was contained in a speck so small that the dot at the end of this sentence is a trillion times bigger. This dense superforce, which had no form or structure, suddenly exploded with unimaginable strength.