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Nature 🌎



Beautiful Jamaica🇯🇲



Rediscovering Walter M. Elsasser: A Pioneer in Atomic Physics, Morphology & More

Step into the world of Walter M. Elsasser, a maverick mind who journeyed from atomic physics to geophysics and then to theoretical biology, leaving an indelible mark on each discipline. His unorthodox path is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary thinking...

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Saving the Endangered: Gerald Durrell's Conservation Odyssey

Gerald Durrell's essay "Vanishing Animals" is a thrilling journey through conservation, where he rescued endangered species by creating lush habitats and breeding programs, essentially giving animals 5-star treatment.

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Trachyandra Tortilis


10 Surprising Facts About Cats

Cats have been with people for 10,000 years: Archeologists recently found a neolithic burial site in Cyprus which had a domestic cat buried alongside human remains. This finding adds an additional 4,000 years to the previously oldest record of cats as pets in ancient Egypt.


What Makes Blueberries Blue?

Blue is a relatively uncommon colour in the natural world. Few animals except birds, butterflies, insects and whales are blue. Fur for example is never tinged blue. The primary colour is the least frequent tone found on our plates and in our diets. So what makes blueberries blue?

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Bermuda Triangle: what kind of mystery is it?

The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area of 50,000 sq miles connecting Bermuda, Florida, and Puerto Rico, in the North Atlantic off North America. @


What is a “Walden” experience?

Whenever you hear someone say they’ve had a “Walden” experience, they are referencing Henry David Thoreau’s famous essay.


The Intricate Tapestry of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the art of life, painting resilience across Earth's vast canvas, setting the stage for ecosystem health and balance.

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Meadow Surprises summary: A rapid-fire guide to Lois Brandt Phillips' enchanting poem

Lois Brandt Phillips' "Meadow Surprises" is a poetic journey that unveils hidden wonders in nature. 🌿 Through vivid imagery, the poem transports us to a meadow, where ordinary sights reveal extraordinary secrets. 🌼


What’s Causing All The Wildfires Isn’t What You Think

Recently, we’ve been hearing more frequently that the world is on fire, with climate change causing massive wildfires in the US, Greece, and throughout the Mediterranean. But does climate change really have anything to do with it?


Zombie-Creating Fungi: The Science Behind HBO's The Last of Us

HBO's hit show The Last of Us has a simple scientific premise. In real life, scientists have known for years that certain fungi can take over certain insects and manipulate them into helping the fungus grow - even at the expense of the insect's life.

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Calathea White Star


Reignite the magical light of fireflies

Fireflies are a wonder of summer for many people, stirring up visions of running through the grass as kids, chasing nature’s light show all over the backyard.


Where have all the fireflies gone?

If your fondest childhood memories are filled with the soft, hazy blink and glow of fireflies in flight, you're not alone. But looking to the garden these days, it seems the cheerful little lightning bugs were much more prevalent in memory. Where have all the fireflies gone?

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The transformation of art

In this Memo, I use two ancient works of art to show the trajectory of human civilization. They are: Venus of Willendorf, a 25,000 year old limestone figurine, and Nefertiti, a 4,000 year old limestone bust. I draw from Camille Paglia's Sexual Personae to tell this story 👇


Albert Schweitzer's Transformative Philosophy on the Interconnectedness of Life

Albert Schweitzer turned the philosophical world on its head by asking us to consider life's "Reverence for Life" principle, making us rethink our place in the universe.


A Dream of Freedom: The allure of 'Into the Wild' by Jon Krakauer

"Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer follows Chris McCandless, a young man who, driven by idealism, rejected societal norms to live a solitary life in the Alaskan wilderness.


A Maple In The Jungle

When the sun made it first peak then, I wake from sleep, as my day goes by, I hear the wind fly and I sigh. I look around and all I see is dirt, and water. I ask myself in a little time what will I be?

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Calathea Setosa

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Philodendron Grazielae


A Twitter thread by Seán Doran on Science 🔬

This is what a small part of the Sun did for 2 days Images courtesy NASA/SDO/AIA UHD: https://t.co/KIxSFKB5Yn https://t.co/UwLmjkNexR


What Not To Do... Sea Swimming

Sea swimming is one of many outdoor activities gaining in popularity. Its free, good for your health and easily accessible for coastal communities. With so many new swimmers taking to the waves, there's a lot to learn about sea safety. Here is What Not to Do... Sea Swimming.


Why E.O. Wilson Matters

E. O. Wilson is an influential American biologist, naturalist, and writer. He has been given the nicknames "The New Darwin", "Darwin's natural heir" and "The Darwin of the 21st century".