Movies 🎬

The Timeless Charm: Pretty Woman
Julia Roberts and Richard Gere's on-screen chemistry is hotter than a habanero pepper, and their romance will leave you swooning like a teenage girl.

How A 19th Century Poem Created The Modern Anti-Hero
Introduction. James Bond, Batman, and Nietzsche’s Übermensch can all be traced back to The Corsair (1814). A poem published by Lord Byron this week, 208 years ago. A poem that sold 10,000 copies on the day of launch. And starred a Byronic Hero that shapes culture till today👇🏻

Why "The Shield" is one of the best TV shows of all time
The Shield (2002-08) is one of the most interesting TV shows ever made. Its hero is Vic Mackey, a rule-bending cop who only answers to his own moral code. There are flashes of Nietzsche in him - Vic lives to fight. Over 7 seasons, he wages war with our modern world 👇

10 of the Best Classic Movies to Watch
Begin with "Casablanca" (1942), a timeless masterpiece blending romance, drama, and political intrigue. Set in WWII, its themes of sacrifice and love resonate universally, while Humphrey Bogart's portrayal of Rick remains iconic, showcasing moral ambiguity amidst chaos.

The real reason why men love Fight Club so much
FIGHT CLUB is a story of men rejecting the "normal life" no matter the loss of blood, reputation, and sanity. It shows how the grimy floor of a parking lot can be more satisfying and honest than an air conditioned cubicle. The arc of civilization bends towards men snapping

Next on Netflix : Trust No One – The Hunt for the Crypto King
Another day, another Netflix docudrama filled with mystery and intrigue. Trust No One is a contemporary tale of a man, a scam and a wallet stuffed full of someone else’s bitcoin. Throw in a sudden death, 115,000 victims and a missing $200 million and it’s a truly wild ride.

Save the Cat : The Last Book on Screenwriting That You'll Ever Need
Save the Cat is a classic screenwriting instructional by famed American screenwriter and Hollywood consultant Blake Snyder. Part of a trilogy of essential reference titles for the budding writers shelf, the methodology represents the highest standard of the scriptwriting process.

The Basic Rules: Cricket
The Test is a docu-series on Amazon about the Australian Men's Cricket Team chasing a second chance at greatness after stumbling from their podium. Being a lover of documentaries and sports, I had to check it out. But five minutes in I had a problem. I knew nothing about cricket.

Advice on Screenwriting? Better Call Vince!
Vince Gilligan is an American writer, director and producer best known for his work on hit TV show Breaking Bad and its formidable spin-off Better Call Saul. Previous to these works of art, he wrote and produced The X-Files and picked up awards including 4 Emmys and a BAFTA.

Next On Netflix : D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?!
There is nothing quite like a newly released Netflix series to stir the imagination and breathe fresh life into old FBI cold cases. This is no different. A series in 4 parts, ‘D. B. Cooper : Where are you?!’ tells the fascinating tale of the worlds first successful skyjacking.