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Top 10 Codes You aren’t Meant to Know

As technology continues to evolve, so do the codes that power our devices and systems. While most codes are readily accessible and open to the public, there are certain codes that are meant to be kept secret. These codes are often used for security and military purposes.


A Twitter thread on NATO by FEMA

#ICYMI: Last week @FEMA_Deanne was in Brussels, Belgium. She had an engaging meeting with @USNATO Deputy Chief of Mission Rick Holtzapple to review our successful efforts in advancing NATO Resilience priorities and future commitments. 1/4 https://t.co/V1nBGWSE3v


A Twitter thread by Shaan Puri on Crypto

Here's the 30 second summary of the FTX drama that is blowing up in crypto. 1/ How FTX (a multi billion dollar co) almost died overnight 2/ And why this is a god tier strategic move by @cz_binance


A Twitter thread by ストライド・ヴォラキア | Stride Vollachia on Lecture

Re: Zero Daily Trivia #892 The first character to receive a named chapter in Re: Zero was Rem. As well as that, she was also the first character to receive an IF story, both in the Web Novel, and as a published Light Novel. #rezero #anime #リゼロ https://t.co/o0wiu1oOa5


A Twitter thread by Kike Valtierra on Twitter

- Tengo un trabajo “normal” de 8 a 5 - Creo contenido para redes - Atiendo clientes de digitalmentelibre - Paso tiempo de calidad con mi esposa, hijo y perro ¿Qué no hago? -Duchas de agua fría -Ni rutinas sofisticadas al despertar Solo hago estás 5 cosas para ser productivo. https://t.co/j0REj8AN6S


A Twitter thread by SpookyShiba Official | E-Sports Gaming on Spookyshiba

#SpookyShiba have so much back to the #community in the month of October. Between #BNB #BUSD, an #iPhone13 and over 400k #SPKY we have given away over $12,000 in just one month https://t.co/pyZtCyAaPP @GerhardHacher #Spooky #Crypto #P2E #BTC #BinanceSmartChain #ETH #games


A Twitter thread by Shaan Puri on Crypto

Here's the 30 second summary of the FTX drama that is blowing up in crypto. 1/ How FTX (a multi billion dollar co) almost died overnight 2/ And why this is a god tier strategic move by @cz_binance


A Twitter thread by DAVESON™ on Football

10 REASONS WHY FOOTBALL >>> MUSIC A Thread! https://t.co/eaC7nlX8Eh


A Twitter thread by PABLITO | Copywriter on Ia

12 sitios web brillantes que utilizan la inteligencia artificial y Chat GPT 4 para ahorrar innumerables horas de trabajo (marcalos): // HILO //🧵 https://t.co/B6OZNss3m7


A Twitter thread by Shaan Puri on Crypto

Here's the 30 second summary of the FTX drama that is blowing up in crypto. 1/ How FTX (a multi billion dollar co) almost died overnight 2/ And why this is a god tier strategic move by @cz_binance


A Twitter thread by ストライド・ヴォラキア | Stride Vollachia on Lecture

Re: Zero Daily Trivia #892 The first character to receive a named chapter in Re: Zero was Rem. As well as that, she was also the first character to receive an IF story, both in the Web Novel, and as a published Light Novel. #rezero #anime #リゼロ https://t.co/o0wiu1oOa5


Is Paul Doerr the best Zodiac Killer suspect that's ever surfaced?

Paul Doerr – the Zodiac Killer suspect developed by author Jarett Kobek (in his remarkable book How to Find Zodiac) – is the best Zodiac suspect that's ever surfaced. Here’s an absurdly long thread outlining why...