
Eyes Wide Open: The Boy Who Stayed Awake For 11 Days
When 17-year-olds Randy Gardner & Bruce McAllister set out to compete in the 1963 San Diego science fair, little did they know they would end up breaking a world record for sleeplessness. Randy certainly didn’t expect to suffer debilitating consequences for decades after.

How meditation saved me from sleeplessness
I’m a lifelong insomniac: the kind who just doesn’t know what it’s like to have a normal night of rest. The longest I’ve ever slept for, uninterrupted, is five hours – and that was under medication.

Vivek Murthy's 15-second technique to feel better
US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy – known as 'America's top doctor' – has a simple exercise he recommends whenever you feel lonely or in despair. Murthy shared this meditative tool on an episode of On Being with Krista Tippett. It takes 15 seconds and it's simple... ▶