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The Mind Matrix: Can We Escape?

Ever feel like your brain's running on autopilot? We're slaves to mental habits, those comfy but limiting thought patterns we barely notice. Time to break free!


Eyes Wide Open: The Boy Who Stayed Awake For 11 Days

When 17-year-olds Randy Gardner & Bruce McAllister set out to compete in the 1963 San Diego science fair, little did they know they would end up breaking a world record for sleeplessness. Randy certainly didn’t expect to suffer debilitating consequences for decades after.


How meditation saved me from sleeplessness

I’m a lifelong insomniac: the kind who just doesn’t know what it’s like to have a normal night of rest. The longest I’ve ever slept for, uninterrupted, is five hours – and that was under medication.


Vivek Murthy's 15-second technique to feel better

US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy – known as 'America's top doctor' – has a simple exercise he recommends whenever you feel lonely or in despair. Murthy shared this meditative tool on an episode of On Being with Krista Tippett. It takes 15 seconds and it's simple... ▶

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So you've given up drinking. What now?

Drinking alcohol is one of life’s great pleasures... but if you drink like I used to, it can also ruin your life. Stopping can be tricky, especially if your cultural milieu is booze-based. Here are some tips on avoiding the tipples, from my personal experience.


7 Types of Meditation—Which One Speaks to You?

In the last two decades, meditation has become increasingly popular in the West. However, despite the fact that retreats and courses are plastered all over social media, many people remain unaware of the myriad forms of this ancient practice.

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The Power of Now with Michelle Hold

Michelle Hold is an award-winning, internationally renowned abstract artist who was so inspired by The Power of Now, she painted her response to the book and held an art show dedicated to it. She discussed the book on the Book Insights Podcast. Here are s