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How to know if you’re a good (or bad) person

Our moral identity is so important to us that if it’s challenged or questioned in any way, we automatically get defensive. In fact, it’s something we work hard to protect.


How do you acquire good judgement?

Facts or data do not always point in a clear direction. It’s then that teams and organizations turn to their leader to make sense of it and come to a conclusion.

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Most of your "objective" judgements are emotional

Jonathan Haidt is a celebrated American social psychologist. His most cited paper is “Emotional Dog and Its Rational Tail”. Haidt’s central argument is that intuitions, not reason, shape moral judgments. He echoes Humewho said reason always will be slave


What the Holocaust tells us about human nature

Her eyes locked onto him as soon as she entered the courtroom: Otto Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi butcher in the flesh, caged in a glass box.