
Watergate: what exactly happened, why is it still important?
Bob Woodward had only been at the Washington Post for nine months and was used to doing stories on local police corruption or unsanitary restaurants. He had been trying to get more high profile assignments. @

I've interviewed hundreds of people. These are my secrets.
There are two types of interviewee that a writer needs to prepare for: the professional and the layperson. Each one requires a different approach.

Tips on journalism and fiction from a man who excelled at both
Introduction. Tom Wolfe was an American writer who successfully navigated two different worlds: journalism and literary fiction. His writing blazed the path for a unique school of reporting called New Journalism. His bestseller novels were made into movies. Top writing insights👇

How to write a first-class feature article
Feature writing is designed to sustain engagement from start to finish. Where newswriting and research papers follow a strict template, the goal here is to both inform and entertain.