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Some Hard Truths About Gardening

I am a hobbyist gardener, but I've also worked as a professional estate gardener and on farms as a flower-harvester, arranger, and grower. I love gardening, but I'll tell you what, sometimes it's not easy! Here are some gardening truths I've learned:


What is specialty coffee? A quick primer

I used to think coffee was just a means to an end. It seemed like a simple trade-off: you put up with the bitter taste in order to feel more awake.


Want a Bigger Brain? Learn a New Language

In 2022, just 1 in 5 Americans reported they speak another language fluently. This figure pales in comparison to Europe, where more than half of residents are bilingual, granting them greater freedom in employment, enhanced travel opportunities & creating cultural connections.


What Not To Do... Sea Swimming

Sea swimming is one of many outdoor activities gaining in popularity. Its free, good for your health and easily accessible for coastal communities. With so many new swimmers taking to the waves, there's a lot to learn about sea safety. Here is What Not to Do... Sea Swimming.

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How to start a vegetable garden... for the black-thumbed novice

Google starting a vegetable garden, and you'll get a million results. But these tutorials assume you'll spend hundreds of dollars and an inordinate amount of time to make and tend this garden. Most people's first try at anything ends in failure. Here's a better first time guide.