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Feminism 🙋


The Unheard Whispers of Rosalía De Castro: A Feminist Echo

Rosalía De Castro wasn't just a poet; she was a beacon of feminist thought in a time when women's voices were barely a whisper. Her work is a testament to the strength found in softness, and the power of words to challenge the status quo.

Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez: A rapid-fire recap

Caroline Criado Perez's book Invisible Women is an eye-opening account of how our world is effectively designed with men in mind.  By failing to take into account the needs and preferences of an entire gender, the current system only perpetuates inequality.

What liberalism and feminism get wrong

Introduction. Liberalism and feminism are dominant ideologies of the day. In Sexual Personae (1991), Camille Paglia, an art critic and a philosopher of culture, lays out an interesting critique of the two. Her core argument? They both misunderstand the society-nature dynamic👇 @

The Zapatista Movement: A Modern Day Rebellion Against Globalization

1. The Zapatista Movement isn't just a rebellion; it's a profound statement against globalization, emerging from the heart of Chiapas, Mexico, on Jan 1, 1994, the same day NAFTA took effect.

The Landlords Game : The Hijacked History of Monopoly

More than 3 decades before Parker Bros published what would become the world’s most popular board game, a young female activist, engineer and actress named Lizzie Magie was busy inventing it.  

Nietzsche on how gender equality hurts women

Nietzsche is the sort of philosopher whose answers may be controversial and even unpleasant, but his questions are always worth asking. Writing before the women's emancipation movement took off, he predicted that when the movement achieves its goals, women'd be hurt above all👇


Top 10 Most Evil Women In History

throughout history, there have been women who have committed heinous acts and caused immense suffering. Here are ten of the most infamous examples


Gender Trouble: Judith Butler’s seminal work in 40 points

Feminism is one of the great movements of the last 150 years, but to some philosophers it became part of the establishment and now aggressively defends its territory.

The guidance that shaped Ruth Bader Ginsburg: US Supreme Court justice and feminist icon

The life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a true inspiration. She drove the legal battle for gender equality in the 1970s, became only the second woman to sit on the US Supreme Court, and was a celebrated voice of dissent. But in her own words, she couldn’t have done it alone...