
Dark night: how to get through an existential crisis
“Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, For the straightforward pathway had been lost.” Dante, Inferno

Modern Philosophy 101: Heidegger
Martin Heidegger is often seen as the greatest philosopher of the 20th century. His forensic approach to apparently obvious questions or topics continues to have a big impact on contemporary philosophy.

Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development
Look at an infant and you’ll see how they demand constant assurance of love and coddling, never letting go of the mother’s arms. Then they turn two and the impulse to assert their freedom takes over, manifesting in exploring electric plugs and breaking vases.

Modern Philosophy 101: Sartre
Central to Jean-Paul Sartre’s thinking is the view that people have no essential ‘essence’. In fact, when humans analyze their own being, what they find at the heart of it is nothing.