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Economics đź’¶



Commerce Clause explained simply: Why you should know about it now

In the heart of the US Constitution lies a hidden gem—the Commerce Clause, often overlooked but poised to reshape our economy.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Since we underestimate how complex reality is, our actions often lead to unintended consequences. This is why road safety laws lead to more deaths, attempts to suppress information only popularizes it, and bad outcomes follow from good intentions. Let's dig in...

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Ayn Rand: capitalist philosopher

Academic philosophers HATE her. Literary critics HATE her. She wrote popular philosophical novels, and worshipped CAPITALISM. She loved smoking, the $, and powerful men. Ayn Rand: woke nightmare.


"Revenge of the Colonized" - a new world order in the making

In a popular 2020 Memo, I wrote about Kiril Sokoloff, “the greatest investor you’ve never heard of”.

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Raoul Pal: Short biography of a finance influencer

Raoul Pal (born 1968), is a British investor based in the Cayman Islands. He is best known for his Global Macro Investor paid newsletter, and for co-founding investment streaming platform Real Vision. 


Ideas from Andreessen's Book Recommendation: The Sovereign Individual

People were subjects of kings once; today they are citizens of governments. This evolution is not over. A book recommended by Balaji Srinivasan and Marc Andreessen, serial entrepreneurs and investors, charts the path ahead.👇


Ansoff’s Matrix : Overcoming Paralysis by Analysis

If you’ve ever been overwhelmed by choice, stumped by a necessary business decision, or so unsure of which way to move forward you’ve put the whole project on the proverbial backburner, you’ve likely been struck by paralysis by analysis.   


Greenwashing and How to Spot It

The term 'greenwashing' has been hitting the headlines lately as savvy consumers turn their focus towards a company’s environmental record to guide their buying choices. Big business finally being held accountable for their impact is making corporations understandably nervous.


A Twitter thread by Winston Smith 🇸🇾

Ok here we go. "Real economy" time. The Russia Ukraine war and the resulting sanctions has illuminated something very important about the "global economy" The "on paper" stats showing economic size and prowess are bunk. 1/20 https://t.co/Kukzghxti1


8 Living Economic Thinkers You Should Know About

JM Keynes said that most of us are "the slaves of some defunct economist". Here’s a selection of LIVING economic thinkers (unorthodox, but from both Left and Right), their key book and its main idea. Drawn from my book “50 Economics Classics”.

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Top 20 Economic History Books

"The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith (1776): A seminal work examining the foundations of modern economics, advocating for free markets and the invisible hand of self-interest driving prosperity.

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The life of John D. Rockefeller: does religion fuel riches?

Strange Tycoons: John D. Rockefeller - Richest American in history $270 billion+ - 3rd richest person in history - Personal wealth in 1913: 3% of US GDP Vilified for his greed, canonized for his giving. A pious scoundrel-genius who made a brilliant case for MONOPOLY

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The Internet's Best 2 Minute Introduction to Inflation

Inflation is in the news and there is no one better to understand it with than Henry Hazlitt. He wrote economics books that sold millions of copies, ran the economics desk atNYT and Newsweek for decades, and inspired presidents and Nobel prize winners. Hazlitt on inflation👇


Dissatisfied Tesla Owners Launch Hunger Strike in Protest

If you’ve ever been dissatisfied with a purchase or struggled to activate a warranty, you may identify with this. In a desperate attempt to get CEO of Tesla Elon Musk’s attention regarding the numerous faults reported, a group of Norwegian owners have staged a hunger strike.

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Article: "The Weakness of Xi Jinping: How Hubris and Paranoia Threaten China’s Future"

Found this fascinating article in Foreign Affairs by a former professor at the prestigious school that educates top leaders in the Chinese Communist Party. Looks at Xi's power in the leadup to the National Congress this October:


Digital Nomadism : The Pros and Cons of the Work/Travel Lifestyle

Since the global pandemic shut down businesses and forced employees into remote working from home, many staff have seen the advantages that not having to attend a job in person can bring. Saving time and money, allowing childcare and family obligations makes working accessible.


Truffle Oil : Gourmet Delicacy or Industry Scam?

One of the most expensive food stuffs in the world, truffles have been enjoyed as a delicacy in noble banquets since time immemorial. In ancient Egypt, truffles were enjoyed covered in goose fat and to the Greeks they were considered mythical and even ascribed healing powers.


9 Unorthodox Economists - Their Books and Ideas

Knowledge grows when outsiders challenge the orthodoxy, and economists are no different. Here’s a selection of historical mavericks and challengers (from both Left and Right) from my book 50 Economics Classics: Your Shortcut to Key Ideas in Capitalism & Finance.


The Balaji Hyperinflation & Bitcoin Bet - Explained

Balaji Srinivasan is a wealthy entrepreneur, tech investor, and Twitter influencer. He is well-known for bold predictions. 


Marx's chilling warning: will it come true in our lifetimes?

Does communism work? No. Can we use Marx to make capitalism better? Yes.

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Article: “America’s Education Crisis Is a National Security Threat”

Is there a connection between the level of education in a country, and its national security? Writing in Foreign Affairs, Nicholas Eberstadt and Evan Abramsky think so.


Patagonia Founder Donates Entire Company to Charity

You’re likely aware of the outdoor clothing and equipment brand Patagonia Inc. Maybe you’re wearing one of their stylish fleeces now. Known for ethical, high-quality goods, with over 30 stores in the US alone, Patagonia Inc are one of America's most popular homegrown brands.


The Landlords Game : The Hijacked History of Monopoly

More than 3 decades before Parker Bros published what would become the world’s most popular board game, a young female activist, engineer and actress named Lizzie Magie was busy inventing it.  


Bad Managers and How to Manage Them

If you’ve made it this far in your career without encountering a bad manager, consider yourself lucky. Many ordinary people are promoted to management without any training or skills to support their position, and dealing with them can be soul destroying or even career ending.


A Twitter thread by Winston Smith 🇸🇾

Ok here we go. "Real economy" time. The Russia Ukraine war and the resulting sanctions has illuminated something very important about the "global economy" The "on paper" stats showing economic size and prowess are bunk. 1/20 https://t.co/Kukzghxti1