Dreams 😌

New Year traditions across Europe: From grapes to fireworks
https://swiss-partner.biz/blog/celebrating-new-year-in-switzerland-from-zurich-streets-to-the-alps Celebrating New Year in Switzerland: From Zurich Streets to the Alps Switzerland is a country with picturesque and beautiful winter landscapes and a

You should care about symbols - here's why
Jonah Goldberg: “Symbolism — the way we reduce broad concerns, agendas, and visions to images or rituals — has played a defining role in human life since there have been humans. Try burning a flag or a cross in front of the wrong audience and then tell me symbolism is nothing.”

Why are dreams so strange? Sigmund Freud's surprising answers
Sigmund Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams (1900) is a foundational work of modern psychology, and the first book to really help us understand dreams.

Can "coincidences" be secret messages?
Introduction. Carl Jung believed that coincidences can contain meaningful information. Sometimes, events across unconnected domains sync up and point at a common underlying theme. This is Jung's Synchronicity. Learn why coincidences hold important clues to your growth 👇

Can a journal make you prosperous? This CEO says yes...
People who write down their goals achieve them at a higher success rate than those who don’t.