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Making Smarter Bets with Your Money and Life. The 3 Secrets Shared!

You want to make things better, but you're not sure. Am I making the right move? Am I taking a bad gamble? How do I know this will pan out? Those are all difficult questions, but Warren Buffet, the world's greatest investor, can shed some light!


Charlie Munger's Mental Models That Helped Build His ‘30-Second Mind’

Warren Buffett once said that his business partner, the late Charlie Munger, has a 30-second mind. Buffett said "Charlie has the best 30-second mind in the world. He goes from A to Z in one go. He sees the essence of everything even before you finish the sentence."


Second-Order Thinking: A Framework Used By The Top 1% To Make Decisions

A mental model is a simple way to understand our complex world and a practical tool to guide our thinking. They are a useful way to change perspective, simplify complexity, and solve problems. We use models to simplify the complex into understandable and organizable chunks.

The Decisions We Make In life Are Like A Game of Poker, Not Chess; Here’s Why

John Von Neumann: The Father of game theory and the author of one of the most influential books of the century says that life is like poker, not chess. Many people view life decisions as a game of chess. However, it is not.


5 Cognitive Biases You Must Remove To Think Clearly and Logically ...

Over the course of our evolution, everyone develops cognitive biases that restrict us from thinking clearly and logically. A cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking. This is not just an occasional mistake in judgment, but rather a systematic pattern of mistakes.


Metrics can reduce uncertainty – if you know how to use them

Absolutely anything can be measured. It’s just a matter of how you frame the query – and you don’t need to be a statistician or a maths whiz to get it right.

5 Mental Shifts That Will Enhance Your Decision-Making Skills.

Ever wondered why the most successful folks seem to always be at the right place at the right time? Well, it’s not just luck — it’s all about being in the right position. And the good news is, you don’t need to be a genius to outperform others; you just need to out-position them.

8 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts That Will Change How You See Human Behavior Forever.

The human mind and behavior are still a mystery. I still wonder how some behaviors are so obvious and systematic and even if we know that we are going to be tempted or follow a certain pattern, or make a mistake, most of us still end up doing it.

The Science Behind Scarcity and Its Influence on Decision-Making

Opportunities seem more valuable to us when their availability is limited. Something that on its own merits, held little appeal suddenly becomes attractive merely because it would soon be unavailable. The “limited-number” tactic is commonly used by various industries.

A Fighter Pilot's Advice for Mastering Rational Decision-Making

Hasard Lee is a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot who flew an f-16 and went on to write a bestselling business book The Art of Clear Thinking. The book explores cognitive biases and logical fallacies that cloud our judgment and hinder clear thinking.

Should I be gluten-free?

The supermarkets are stocking their shelves with gluten-free foods. The global gluten-free market size was USD 5.72 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow to USD 9.99 billion in 2028. But what does it mean to be gluten-free?

Cognitive Biases Explained: The Invisible Forces That Shape Our Thinking

Cognitive biases: the silent puppeteers of our minds. These mental shortcuts shape our perceptions, decisions, and interactions, often without us realizing. Let's take a quick look at how they can lead us astray...

4 Books That Will Help You Take High-Quality Decisions In All Aspects Of Life.

There are exactly two things that determine how our lives turn out: the quality of our decisions & luck. The realm of luck doesn't fall under the things we can control. But we do have control over our decision-making process & thus a significant amount of control over our lives.

The Power of Authority Bias: Why We Trust Experts Without Questioning

The Bible explains that when we disobey a great authority we get ejected from paradise. There is a deep-rooted sense of duty to authority within all of us. It is known as obedience to authority. Our extreme willingness to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority.


Reasons Why the Price of “Free” is Ridiculously Expensive.

It feels great to get something for free. People can't seem to resist the allure of something given away for free. Even if they don't want it, they convince themselves that it will come in handy later. It's a "take advantage of the freebies before they're gone" mentality.


How do you acquire good judgement?

Facts or data do not always point in a clear direction. It’s then that teams and organizations turn to their leader to make sense of it and come to a conclusion.