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Debt 📈



The Cybergoattechie is a go-to for Credit Score Repair Services!

Ever feel like you're stuck in a financial rut? Credit repair might be the key to escaping it and achieving true financial independence.


What’s the cost of financial ignorance? Money literacy for teens

There’s a direct correlation between rich countries, and their citizens being financially savvy. 

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Avalanche Method: An aggressive way to slash your debt

If you're in debt, like 75% of Americans are, you may wonder what the best way to pay it off is. That depends on your personality, the type of debt you have, and the amount of debt you have. If the Snowball Method is too tentative, you may prefer the more aggressive Avalanching.

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The truth about being bad with money...

Our relationship with money is crucial to our wellbeing. It's also incredibly complicated. And when that relationship gets strained – prompting guilt or even panic – it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

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Snowball Method: A simple way to get motivated to pay off debt

There are many types of debt, from a note owed on a house or a car to student loans to credit card balances to predatory payday loans. Not all debt is created equally. Some debts, paid consistently, like a student loan or mortgage can actually help your credit score.