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Astrophysics 🚀


Time Travel: Closer Than We Think

Ever feel stuck in a time loop at work? What if I told you that actual time travel might be closer than you think, and it's not just science fiction anymore.

GPS: When Einstein's Theory Met Navigation.

Einstein's theory predicted that time behaves differently in strong gravitational fields. That means time moves slower near massive objects.

Russia and the US wage a new space battle – this time to capture astro-tourists

The accidental firing of small navigation rockets on Russia’s new spacecraft-science lab - just after it docked with the International Space Station in July 2021 - caused the ISS to start spinning like a top, all while circling the Earth at 28,000 kilomet

My creative journey from astrophysics to art

Most people don’t understand the idea of trading the certain for the uncertain. In my case, I quit a promising career in science for an uncertain one in the arts. Why? Because a “safe” life is an illusion. A safe life may slowly strangle you if you haven’

Could (and should) we colonize space?

The astrophysicist Stephen Hawking was convinced that humanity would eventually need to leave Earth to avoid the risk of being wiped out from existence.

What is the big bang theory? And what does it tell us?

About 14 billion years ago, all the matter that exists in the universe today was contained in a speck so small that the dot at the end of this sentence is a trillion times bigger. This dense superforce, which had no form or structure, suddenly exploded with unimaginable strength.

The Forgotten Astronomer: Cecilia Payne's Stellar Discovery

Cecilia Payne, a name not as familiar as Hubble or Einstein, but her astronomical discovery forever changed how we see the stars.

Rise of the Titans – Is Deep-Tech the Future?

India’s growing population and the pace of economic growth presents a significant opportunity for deeptech startups as they will have a large addressable market.

Architects plan robotic construction of the Moon’s first human havens

With the European Space Agency, NASA, Roscosmos, SpaceX and China all planning to send astronauts to the Moon, and even begin colonizing its craters, one coterie of architects has emerged at the forefront of designing the first human habitats on the lunar

How did Einstein change the way we see the world?

The story of history’s most famous scientist starts with a rebel teenager. At 16, Albert Einstein comes up with a plan to renounce his German citizenship, leave his military high school, and dodge life in the Prussian army. Somehow, the plan works.

Could intelligent life exist beyond Earth?

To understand the probability of intelligent life existing on other planets, we first need to consider how likely it was to develop on Earth. The time window for life to appear and evolve into intelligent beings here was about 10 billion years, i.e. within the Sun’s lifetime.

The Obsession with Planet X and the Letter X

Percival Lowell, a prominent American astronomer, stirred the scientific world in the early 20th century with his belief in an undiscovered ninth planet beyond Neptune, which he named "Planet X." This marked the beginning of a captivating astronomical journey.

The realm of Apollo "Astronaut-Gods" is finally opening to mortals 

Advances made by the rising spaceflight powers Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin to begin launching adventurers to the edge of space will transform not just the heavens but also Earth: national borders and space agencies will no longer dictate who can becom


How Thomas Kuhn changed the way we think about science

Thomas Kuhn was a physics student at Harvard when a teaching assignment changed his life. He had to give an experimental course on science for beginners, which exposed him to centuries-long battles over competing scientific theories and world views. A fir

Is it possible to predict the future?

For centuries, the world’s brightest minds have been trying to prove whether it’s scientifically possible to predict the future. Just answering the question involves a short history lesson in physics – as shared by Stephen Hawking in his book Brief Answers to the Big Questions.

Could God have created the universe?

The universe works according to a set of unbreakable scientific laws that can be understood by humans. According to Stephen Hawking, these “laws of nature” can also be used to explain its origins and even to clarify the role of God in creating the Big Bang.