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Thomas Carlyle was a 19th century Scottish philosopher known for his book On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History. The book's primary thesis is that the study of history must involve the study of great men who shaped its primary events.
Introduction. Nothing shapes a country's future more than the talent and character of its leaders. Which leads us to the question posed and answered in this Memo: what sort of leader should a nation elevate to its throne, if it wants to achieve greatness? Thomas Carlyle answers👇
Napoleon on his destiny: "A superior power pushes me towards a goal of which I know nothing; as long as it has not been attained I am invulnerable, unshakeable; as soon as I am no longer necessary for it, a single step will suffice to topple me." @
Introduction. The figure of the Übermensch - roughly translated as the Superman - is central to Nietzsche's thought. Why did Nietzsche create this swashbuckling Superman who invents new values, delights in danger, and openly mocks what is sacred to his time? An answer👇 @
Introduction. Nietzsche has one of the most interesting accounts of freedom in all of philosophy. In this Memo, discover how genuine freedom has become close to impossible in today's world, why our in-fighting instinct aren't helping, and how war can set us free. Read on 👇
Ernst Junger was a German thinker who fought in both the world wars. In his essay On Pain, Junger argues that the sum total of pain doesn’t decrease over time. The effect he hopes to produce with this essay: "a bombshell bursting with delayed action."
Very few people in history wrote 1000+ page books, sold 10 million+ copies, were loved as much as hated, and became more influential after dying. Ayn Rand is one of them. Discover the 3 signs your society is doomed, why loving money is NOBLE, and more insights from Rand👇
An enduring moral order. Conservatives believe in the constancy of human nature and the permanence of moral truth. Social order is maintained when people believe in and act in accordance with enduring moral rules. Values that are 3 weeks old are unlikely to create stable nations.
Napoleon was a world-historic figure. He ranks among the greatest military commanders and emperors in human history. How did his mind work? Let's find out: First, he knew what he wanted - he studied the campaigns of Alexander and Caesar as a young man.
Elon Musk once crashed the world’s fastest car with Peter Thiel in the passenger seat. This indifference to risk allows him to shoot rockets into space and declare war on woke mind virus. Here are my notes on Elon’s risk addiction (and love language) from the new biography:
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