Lygometry: The Truth Unveiled
Jun 20, 2022 · 2 mins read

“Intelligence is hitting a target that nobody else can; Genius is hitting a target that nobody else can see!” — Arthur Schopenhauer. We didn't know about gravity before Newton, but does that mean it didn't exist? It did, right? Before his discovery, this concept was in the dark.
Lygometry (“lygo”: latin for darkness, “metry”: quantified) can be defined as 'quantifying the things we know we don't know'. We believe in perfect understanding of everything, but we also recognise that nothing is flawless. The most significant knowledge is lack of knowledge.
Mr. Amin Toufani coined the term Lygometry. In my opinion, the discovery of the term lygometry is in itself lygometry. It was always there, he just gave it a name, which is a masterpiece in itself. Just like a painting, different people have different perspectives viewing it.
Similarly, when two people debate something, they arrive at a different conclusion on the same topic, however if the same person has the same conversation with a different person on the same topic, he arrives at a different conclusion. Why is that? Why not the same conclusion?
For example,
0 + 1 = 1
(1st Human) (2nd Human)
0.5 + 1 = 1.5
(3rd Human) (2nd Human)
2 + 1 = 3
(4th Human) (2nd Human)
What if a person knew from the start which job path he would choose or where he would end up? Wouldn't that make everyone's life easier? However, would it be fair to say that delving into the notion of Lygometry would deprive one of the life's thrills and mysteries?
Caveated by the fact that Lygometry can be comprehended by human intellect. With the advent of technology, we can always rely on quantum computing and AIs to put things into perspective. To have a faster and stronger thought process better than Newton. (Might eat up my words)
The alphabets (A-Z) or numbers (0-9) are certain as per the capitalistic education culture.Why don't we question things beyond it?Why isn't there anything beyond Z or before A?Could it be our education system that has conditioned us in this way?Or is it something else?You tell me
I feel that in our fast-paced world, when people's patience levels are dwindling and they become bored easily, we will eventually become bored of everything. The point I'm trying to convey is that people have a natural predisposition to be curious.
As a result, even if not now, someday in the future, we may become bored with our educational system because it binds us to things that prevent us from being creative, and people may become so bored that they will want to know more about what is out there in the “dark."