Next on Netflix : Get Smart with Money
Sep 09, 2022 · 2 mins read

Netflix is catching the mood of the nation with its latest feature length documentary Get Smart with Money. Following 4 individuals and their families over a year, it exposes us to regrettable financial decisions, lavish lifestyles and the plight of living paycheck to paycheck.
Getting into debt is easy in today’s uber-convenient and consumerist society. The average American family has 4 credit cards, that’s 4 separate chances to pay a 16% interest rate on everyday purchases. No wonder most US citizens couldn’t cover a $400 emergency.
The show features renowned financial experts, including The Budgetnista Tiffany Aliche who successfully clawed her way back from over $300k in personal debt, and Mr Money Mustache, a Canadian personal finance blogger who smartly retired aged only 31.
Financial educator Ross Mac of 'Macronomics' guides Teez Tabor, a young Black athlete who has already hit a huge payday in life and has seen how money can evaporate, with a lesson in Investing 101. Astoundingly, Black families own less than 2% of all stocks and shares in the US.
Ariana, first in her family to graduate, now carries large credit card and student loan debts while juggling the expenses of a young family. The Budgetnista focuses on accountability using a system of automated discipline to improve her efforts to budget effectively.
Lindsey, a creative artist working in the service industry, orders too many takeaways and is barely making ends meet. Paula Pant from the Afford Anything podcast shows her how to integrate her talents and hobbies into a serious and scalable business plan for her future.
Kim and John have 2 children and an audacious monthly grocery bill. They want to retire early but with the spending track they are currently on, ‘early’ is still over 25 years away. Mustachio Money Man Peter Adeney has his work cut out downsizing their expenses!
Tired of hearing the same old adages about 'having an abundance mindset’ and 'redefining success'? There is a little of that in here, but also lessons in inflation, sound budgeting advice and encouraging, actionable steps towards financial literacy and ultimately, freedom.
Get Smart with Money is a heart-warming watch, the participants are genuine and the situations they find themselves in are common throughout the country. Subjects were chosen based on videos they submitted explaining their out of control and unjustifiable financial situations.
Revisiting these people in another year would really round the didactic show off.
There is a lesson in here for everyone, regardless of financial status, debt level or career.
Although the usual expert advice to cancel the Netflix subscription was suspiciously missing…