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Psychology 🧠


Laughter: The Secret Ingredient to Healing and Bonding

Laughter isn't just a reaction; it's a remedy. It bridges gaps between souls, making strangers friends without a single word spoken. It's the universal language of connection.


Unveiling the Maze: Mental Health Essentials

Mental health is a chameleon; its colors change with life's canvas—a paradox of strength and fragility.


The Jane Elliott Experiment Explained: The Lasting Legacy of Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes

Jane Elliott, a schoolteacher, turned the world into her classroom after MLK's assassination. She chose a puzzling approach to teaching about prejudice: by creating it!

How Backward Thinking method will boost your productivity

It's difficult for us to think about most of our problems in a forward way. While we can easily approach our problems better if we address them in a backward way. What does that mean? Let me explain.

The Psychology of Procrastination: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Sabotag

Procrastination isn't just laziness; it's our brain's way of handling stress with a "flight" response – like hitting snooze on your alarm, but for tasks.

From Likes to Low Self-Esteem: The Cost of Social Media on Your Mind.

In the age of constant connectivity, social media has become an integral part of our lives. However, beneath the glittering facade of likes, shares, and comments lies a darker reality that significantly impacts mental health, self-image, and overall well-being.

10 Books That Will Shatter Your Worldview (But You’ll be Glad You Read Them)

1. Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari: It explores the future of humanity, delving into the author's insightful analysis of technological advancements, artificial intelligence, and the potential evolution of Homo sapiens. It offers an offering a compelling vision of tomorrow's world.

9 paradoxical truths from 9 brilliant thinkers

Nietzsche: What men in groups believe is worthless because they're protected by sheer numbers. Truth likes lone wolves.


4 Magic Hooks That Will Give You An Unfair Advantage In Almost 99% Of Conversations.

The key to effective communication is to know exactly what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. A subtle change of words can make a huge difference in the outcome of a whole conversation. These are called magic words, that talk straight to our subconscious mind.

Globalization's Psychological Impact

Globalization has fostered a global community, yet it also exposes individuals to diverse cultures, leading to psychological effects.


Unfolding Authenticity: A Modern Millennial Odyssey

Authenticity for millennials with a dysfunctional family background isn’t found, it's fiercely forged in the smithy of personal adversities.

Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment: How an inflatable doll changed our view of violence

In 1961, Albert Bandura began an experimental study to see if aggressive social behaviors can be acquired by observation. How? He let children watch an adult beat the hell out of a doll called Bobo. What happened next would challenge our understanding of violence…


Understanding Separation Anxiety in Toddlers: Signs & Tips

Ever wondered why your toddler clings to you like a koala bear? Let's take in a quick guide to the fascinating world of separation anxiety in toddlers. It's more than just tears and tantrums, it's a developmental milestone in disguise!

Exposing the True Story Behind ‘Perfect’ Social Media Lives

In a world dominated by Instagram filters and Twitter highlights, the pursuit of the “good life” seems to have taken an unexpected turn. We’re bombarded with carefully curated images of perfect lives, from luxurious vacations to seemingly flawless relationships.

Cognitive Biases Explained: The Invisible Forces That Shape Our Thinking

Cognitive biases: the silent puppeteers of our minds. These mental shortcuts shape our perceptions, decisions, and interactions, often without us realizing. Let's take a quick look at how they can lead us astray...

6 TED Talks That Will Teach You More About Human Behavior Than Any Book.

We are all cut from the same cloth, and we all share the same tendencies. The sooner we realize this the greater our power to overcome negative tendencies within us. Understanding human behavior brings us closer to ourselves and helps us embrace both the good and the bad.

4 Books That Will Help You Take High-Quality Decisions In All Aspects Of Life.

There are exactly two things that determine how our lives turn out: the quality of our decisions & luck. The realm of luck doesn't fall under the things we can control. But we do have control over our decision-making process & thus a significant amount of control over our lives.

Cocaine's Alchemy on the Brain Unveiled

Cocaine rewires the brain's reward system, hijacking pleasure points and resculpting them into conduits of dependency.


Paradoxes: The Surprising Secret to Effective Communication?

The most mind-blowingly effective communication tool may be the paradox. Imagine intentionally contradicting yourself to ignite curiosity, not confusion.


Guide to Positive Parenting for Child Development

In nurturing young minds, remember, parenting mirrors the artistry of sculpting; each interaction subtly shapes the emergent persona.

Original Thinking is a Weird Cocktail of Doubt, Fear, and Procrastination.

I saw a TED talk by Adam Grant. He is an organizational psychologist & bestselling author who explores the science of motivation, generosity, rethinking, and potential. He told a story about how his perception of original thinkers changed and how it will transform your POV too.

Crafting Stories that Stick: A Deep Dive into the Art of Storytelling.

Stories keep our minds engaged and entertained. It’s the only way to persuade your readers to pay attention to your content. Dramatic stories appeal to our brains with human elements that everybody can relate to at some level. Good storytelling is the foundation of good writing.

How Loneliness Changes The Way Our Brains Processes The World.

If there’s one thing we as humans seem to have in common, it’s that most of us have felt lonely at one time or another. The world seems different when we’re feeling lonely. Recent research has begun to provide some answers. Loneliness can affect your perception & cognition.


8 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts That Will Change How You See Human Behavior Forever.

The human mind and behavior are still a mystery. I still wonder how some behaviors are so obvious and systematic and even if we know that we are going to be tempted or follow a certain pattern, or make a mistake, most of us still end up doing it.

Inside Charlie Munger's Great Mind

Charlie Munger was the right hand man of history's most successful investor, Warren Buffet. Buffet himself said: "Charlie's mind has a greater span than I do." Munger died yesterday, at 99. Here are 9 insights from the great man. They'll make you smarter: