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Milei's Global Influence: Beyond Argentina's Borders

Milei's rise to prominence has resonated far beyond Argentina, captivating international audiences with his bold economic and social policies.


The Day the World Held its Breath: What We Learned from the Cuban Missile Crisis

In October 1962, the world stood on the brink of nuclear annihilation. The Cuban Missile Crisis, a 13-day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, brought the world to the edge of the abyss.


What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from the Business Mind of Ryanair's Michael O'Leary

Michael O'Leary, the CEO of Ryanair, is the maverick who turned a small Irish airline into a budget flight behemoth. His story isn't just about cheap tickets; it's a masterclass in ruthless efficiency.

10 Things To Not Learn From 'The Avengers'

The Avengers often resort to vigilante justice, bypassing official channels. In real life, it's important to respect the law and seek help from appropriate authorities.

Sarina Wiegman's "What It Takes" - 10 Leadership Lessons & Personal Triumphs

Sarina Wiegman is the most decorated female football manager ever, a trailblazer who led Netherlands to the 2017 Euros and England to the 2022 Euros, inspiring millions with her "Fearless Football" philosophy. Here's a short summary of her bestselling 2023 book.

Ask These 4 Personal Branding Questions

When you are beginning to delve into the world of consciously building your personal brand, you will be hit with a ton of distractions, ideas, and strategies. This is why at my firm, we’ve come up with these 4 questions which are a pillar of sorts to everything we do.

Tao for Today: Unveiling the Path to Fulfillment in the Modern World by Suzy Bliss

The book provides modern interpretations of the ancient Taoist text Tao Te Ching aimed at applying its lessons to current challenges. It contains 81 chapters, each focused on a passage from the Tao Te Ching rendered into modern English.

Sun Tzu's Art of War - Ancient, Proven Teachings For Winning

Why would a person of today, a civilian, want to read a manual for waging war that is over two thousand years old?

A Fighter Pilot's Advice for Mastering Rational Decision-Making

Hasard Lee is a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot who flew an f-16 and went on to write a bestselling business book The Art of Clear Thinking. The book explores cognitive biases and logical fallacies that cloud our judgment and hinder clear thinking.

Navigate Digital Transformation: 10 Strategies for Business Modernization

Embracing digital transformation isn't a choice; it's an essential evolution for businesses seeking relevance and growth in the modern landscape.


Philosophical Growth Hacks

Socrates famously claimed, "The unexamined life is not worth living." Peek into your daily routines and question them. Self-awareness can be your compass.


The Best (and Easiest) Ways to Fire Someone in 2024

Believe it or not: firing is a tool, not a punishment. This idea is essential to your toolkit as an employer. Master its use by understanding the work, providing clear direction, and offering any necessary support. (This will take time.)

9 Leadership Lessons from 9 Years Working at Tesla

After 9 years of working for Tesla, Jorge Milburn (currently its Director Sales & Delivery Operations for the EMEA region) reflected on the priceless pearls of wisdom he's harvested. Brace for insights worth cherishing... 👇 🧵

The Definition of Courage, According to Field Marshal William Slim

Field Marshal William Slim was a prominent British military leader who played a crucial role in World War II. His leadership philosophy remains influential in management to this day; his quotes about courage are often repeated around the world. And here’s why…

Revolutionise your organisations approach to teamwork

"Team Genius: The New Science of High-Performing Organizations"by Rich Karlgaard and Michael S. Malone is a comprehensive guide that delves into the dynamics of successful teams and how they contribute to the overall success of an organisation. Here are my six key takeaways:

Sun Tzu's Five Factors of Leadership

In the ancient Art of War, Sun Tzu identifies five factors which inform a leader’s decisions: The Way; Heaven; Earth; Leader; and Law.

10 Methods To Shine While Giving Your Next Public Presentation!

🎯 Be prepared to adapt: During your presentation, be observant of your audience's engagement and understanding. Be ready to adjust your pace, emphasize certain points, or provide additional explanations based on their reactions and feedback.

Product Management's Sacred Seven summary: All you need to know in 2024

"Product Management's Sacred Seven" is a treasure map, guiding aspiring PMs through the treacherous waters of interviews and the challenges of being a world-class product leader.

Office Politics: The Hidden Hierarchies That Govern Your Workplace

Think about your workspace as a mini civilization. Office politics isn’t an option, it’s a survival strategy. It’s more Game of Thrones than board game, and you’re a player, whether you signed up or not.


Hungary's Media Metamorphosis: How Orbán Reshaped the Narrative

Meet Viktor Orbán. The man at the helm of Hungary's media metamorphosis. A political maestro who've rewritten the narrative of Hungarian journalism. Let's delve into this fascinating tale.

9 Leadership Lessons from History's Great Conquerors

In the grand theater of history, the most decisive leaders shaped the world as we know it. Let's unravel some key lessons from history's greatest minds... all in the time it takes to order a coffee ⏱️ ☕️

How Elon Musk learns faster than everyone on Earth?

The genius behind Tesla, PayPal, SpaceX, SolarCity, Neuralink, and The Boring Company has one framework for learning. First-principle Thinking is one of the best ways to reverse-engineer complicated problems, into fundamental truths and build up from there.

Napoleon on why great people don't hate

Discover Napoleon's insights on success, what he read, and more.👇 Napoleon knew that circumstances were all important: "Men, like paintings, need a favorable day. " It is wise to "profit" while fortune shines on you and be wary about its caprice as it can "change out of spite."

Sun Tzu's Art of War – 2,000 Years Older Than Machiavelli... and Better?

Long before Rome began its spread into northern Europe, Chinese rulers had already built the Great Wall of China.


From Urban Clap to Urban Company: The growth journey of India’s 50th unicorn

Current Valuation: $2.8 billion (September 2022) Funding Raised: $470 million Funding Rounds: 12 No. Of Investors: 33 Loss: $62.71 million in FY 2022 Revenue: $53.39 million in FY 2022